16 February 2006

Sickness and HNT

Did you know if you forget to put the "l" in blogger.com you'll go here? Oh, yes, you will.

So. Where have I been? My last post (if you can call it that) was on the 8th. Since then the play has happened (it went Fabulously!) and I've been sick.
Yes, that really is it.
One show Friday night, two on Saturday and one on Sunday. Hubby went to the first one, my friend Laura and her little girl went to the matinee on Saturday, my mom and Sis M. went to the one Saturday night, and I went to the one on Sunday. Hubby's mom sent Kidzilla a Lovely bunch of flowers (roses, daises, and Peruvian lilies) that arrived on Friday. No, I don't have a picture, but only because I keep forgetting to bring in my camera. Which means I don't have any of Kidzilla yet either. Y'all will just have to suffer until I get around to it. >:-D

Side note: It's in the upper sixties here today. LOVELY. My daffodils started blooming on Monday. It's supposed to snow on Saturday. Of course.

When I remember to bring in my camera, I'll post more about the play. And don't let me forget to tell you what happened to my sunglasses. I'm still annoyed.

I've barely had enough time to sit down and make sure I hadn't missed any important emails, let alone sit down and post about stuff. And then I was sick. VERY SICK. As in, bedridden for two days with horribleness and a fever sick. I'm so thankful I don't get sick very often. I don't like it At All. I'm still sick, but no longer contagious so I went back to work yesterday and today. I actually feel some better today. Though, on an annoying note, my sinus congestion has turned into a sinus Infection since the fever went down. How annoying is that? :-P I've taken my colloidal silver yesterday and today, so the yellow should be gone by tomorrow. Bleah. If you want to know what I sound like sick, just check out my voice post from the 12th and my voice post from the 14th. I'll figure out how to do voice posts on blogger some other...year. I still sound crappy and can't sing (which is the most annoying part of not being able to talk), but according to Sis M. I sound a lot better.

Now, on to HNT. I didn't post anything for HNT last week 'cause it was too crazy busy.

My foot in a dress shoe. You can also see puppy toes in the pic. At the time (over a year ago) I'd just gotten my little Anna. She was So Cute trying to figure out what I was doing, lol.

Snow White has nothing on me. In the summer I get tan lines on my foot from wearing my sandals All The Time. Hm...maybe that would be a fun HNT this summer?

I still have the original photos, but these are already in photobucket and I don't have the time to find and upload the ones without the date on them. Sorry guys! Gotta run!


Zephyr said...

OMG I love the puppy toes being in the pic... that is a great shot! :)

Happy HNT!

David said...

Wow, those shoes are hot. The dog is cute too. :-)

Happy HNT!

Jody said...

nice shoes
