28 February 2006

I do live

Sorry about the spotty commenting on posts, y'all.

I haven't posted since the 19th. Well, if I don't count that thing I posted that Nobody Did (well, except for Kim, thanks, Kim! *hug*) *hint, hint, wink, wink, nudge, nudge*



As far as I can remember (which isn't saying much) last week was a normal week. And that I didn't post anything for HNT last Thursday because I forgot about it until Friday, lol.

Went down to my mom's Friday afternoon and came back Saturday night. Had a good time with Sis B. and her little 'uns and me mum. Sis K. was supposed to be there but was a no-show due to car issues. We went shopping Saturday and I bought an OCC shirt (I now have two! heehee!) and a pair of jeans that I'm sure Hubby doesn't really care for, but I love 'em and bought 'em anyway. Hey, they were 50% off! I had to! lol

Handbells played Sunday in both services. We were much better the second service than the first (and I'm told no one could tell I messed up in the second song, lol). I played both songs with no mistakes for the first time ever in the second service. Yes, I know that's sad, but then I cut myself some slack because my errors always occur at a page turn and since no one shares my folder/stand with me, I have to play and figure out where to turn the page all by my lonesome. It's...trying...sometimes. I love playing handbells though! I'm so happy Anna loves it as much as I do and decided to become the director and revive the choir. :-D

I did talk to the minister of music that afternoon about the piece he wants me to learn to play on my tin whistle. It's not hard, but the tin whistle has NO NATURAL FLATS (and the piece has THREE). I can play them, but they sound, well, God-Awful. *cackles* I crack me up. Anyway, I told him about it and that I need to find an arrangement in a different key and he said he'd take care of it! Yippie! Now only if Anna and I could find a piece to play...hmm...maybe I should mention that she wants to play with me (she's an AMAZING piano player, I'm so honored she wants to play with me!) and he could find a piece that's a duet. A thought!

Monday was just a day. So much better, just some lingering stuffiness that only manifests itself when I sing (OF COURSE), but still feeling tired. Bleah. So I didn't do my Monday Stuff, just cleaned the kitchen and put away the laundry I did Sunday night.

Today was So Nice. First of all I didn't have to go to work, which was nice. I met my friend Melissa at Keri's house. Keri is the wife of the Student Minister at our church. Before today I'd had a grand total of One conversation with her, and it was last summer and it was about shoes, lol. (Well! She has these totally cute white shoes for summer and I've looked All Over BG for some I like with no luck! Of course, she didn't get them here, and I don't think even if I went to where her mom lives they'd still have them. Not even back when I asked. Fiddlesticks.) Melissa had to leave around...I think it was almost noon. Keri and I talked until 2! I discovered she's older than I thought she was (I thought she was younger than me, I was off by 5 years, yay her for looking so young! I should tell her that :-)), and that she and I have a lot more in common than either of us would've ever thought. Not as much as Melissa and I (thank heavens we don't look alike too! lol), but quite a bit. We took turns chattering at each other the whole time. :-) The three of us are going to start getting together every Tuesday (when we can) to talk, have coffee, and share prayer requests and pray with and for each other. Keri mentioned to Melissa a couple of weeks ago at the 4x4 reunion that she would love to something like this. Melissa lit up (I could see it from over where I standing stirring a mound of sugar into my coffee), and pulled me into the conversation. She and I did the same thing for a little while last fall, but in between sickliness and holidays we ended up having to let it go. She and I have mentioned to each other that we would like to start doing it again, we just haven't gotten around to it. We talked for about 5 minutes before agreeing that meeting at Keri's house would be easiest (she has two kids and watches a baby during the day), and that Tuesdays at 10:00 would be the best time. :-) I woke up with a migraine last week and didn't go. A migraine on top my sickliness...I knew I wouldn't be good company, so I called Melissa and told her I wasn't going to be able to make it. We figure the first few weeks will just be getting to know each other. Talking about ourselves, our lives, and where we've come from. This is going to be so great.

Okay, that's all for now, y'all! I really should go to bed!

27 February 2006

19 February 2006


I'm using my new laptop.
Yes, finally.:-D
Trying to get used to an LCD screen is well, trying. At least the keyboard is a reglular-size keyboard, otherwise I might lose my mind. It's pretty. It's nice. The screen is driving me batty.
On the other hand I adore my bluetooth mouse. :-D
Today was nice. Church, lunch with Sis M, Kidzilla, and my friends Melissa and Bobby and their young 'un. A 4x4 thing at three that I went to 'cause Sis M. was sweet and took Kidzilla to B&N so I could go and then brought her to her choir practice. Then hanging out with Melissa and her guitar and my tin whistle while we played together for a little bit. Only to discover my flute is out of tune. :-P And of course it's one of the ones where the mouthpiece is glued into place. Urk. I'm going to Have to take my good tin whistle fixed. One of the wee nieces squished it on a visit and it's not played right since. I'd rather get a nice new one...but then again, I love the one I have. It 'twere a gift from Sis M. Maybe I'll do both, lol. I know they come in purple now...hehehe. After church I came home and made dinner and now Kidzilla's in bed and I just finished making us cupcakes.
Yes, at this hour.

Watched some of the Olympics tonight. I watched some of the women's speed skating and the ice dancing. I wept when that one skater chick fell (she was wearing white, I have no idea what her name was). Such a good performance to fall right at the end. It broke my heart. I wept after the USA's performance. They did so well, it was such a great moment. I cry when someone doesn't do well, I cry when they do. Tears of heartache and triumph. I'm such a sap. ;-)

Watching The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen at the moment. I think I'm the only person that really likes this movie, lol. Watching Sean Connery always reminds me of my little thing I have for older men. ;-)

16 February 2006

Sickness and HNT

Did you know if you forget to put the "l" in blogger.com you'll go here? Oh, yes, you will.

So. Where have I been? My last post (if you can call it that) was on the 8th. Since then the play has happened (it went Fabulously!) and I've been sick.
Yes, that really is it.
One show Friday night, two on Saturday and one on Sunday. Hubby went to the first one, my friend Laura and her little girl went to the matinee on Saturday, my mom and Sis M. went to the one Saturday night, and I went to the one on Sunday. Hubby's mom sent Kidzilla a Lovely bunch of flowers (roses, daises, and Peruvian lilies) that arrived on Friday. No, I don't have a picture, but only because I keep forgetting to bring in my camera. Which means I don't have any of Kidzilla yet either. Y'all will just have to suffer until I get around to it. >:-D

Side note: It's in the upper sixties here today. LOVELY. My daffodils started blooming on Monday. It's supposed to snow on Saturday. Of course.

When I remember to bring in my camera, I'll post more about the play. And don't let me forget to tell you what happened to my sunglasses. I'm still annoyed.

I've barely had enough time to sit down and make sure I hadn't missed any important emails, let alone sit down and post about stuff. And then I was sick. VERY SICK. As in, bedridden for two days with horribleness and a fever sick. I'm so thankful I don't get sick very often. I don't like it At All. I'm still sick, but no longer contagious so I went back to work yesterday and today. I actually feel some better today. Though, on an annoying note, my sinus congestion has turned into a sinus Infection since the fever went down. How annoying is that? :-P I've taken my colloidal silver yesterday and today, so the yellow should be gone by tomorrow. Bleah. If you want to know what I sound like sick, just check out my voice post from the 12th and my voice post from the 14th. I'll figure out how to do voice posts on blogger some other...year. I still sound crappy and can't sing (which is the most annoying part of not being able to talk), but according to Sis M. I sound a lot better.

Now, on to HNT. I didn't post anything for HNT last week 'cause it was too crazy busy.

My foot in a dress shoe. You can also see puppy toes in the pic. At the time (over a year ago) I'd just gotten my little Anna. She was So Cute trying to figure out what I was doing, lol.

Snow White has nothing on me. In the summer I get tan lines on my foot from wearing my sandals All The Time. Hm...maybe that would be a fun HNT this summer?

I still have the original photos, but these are already in photobucket and I don't have the time to find and upload the ones without the date on them. Sorry guys! Gotta run!

14 February 2006

12 February 2006

08 February 2006

Sis B. is the Bestest Sister in the World

I know what I want for my birthday!!!!!
Glen Phillips - Winter Pays for Summer
Lapdog - Mayfly
(Lapdog being the rest of the guys from Toad)

I put WPforS on my Wish List at Amazon, but couldn't find Mayfly there...so the link for that is to the record label's store site. :-)
Sis B. Rocks for pointing me at these!

07 February 2006

A Day of Food

I forgot to eat breakfast.
But! I did remember to take lunch to work with me (YUM! turkey and American cheese lunchable!), and I had that.
Though what I really wanted was a bowl of the chili that Greg brought to work yesterday. It was spicy. It was good. Yes, even though it had noodles in it. I can forgive noodles if it's spicy. Alas, it was all gone.
However, I was STARVING by 1:30.
I came home from work. Kidzilla arrived. I had a snack of popcorn around 3ish.
I was STARVING at 5:00.
At 5:30 I downed an entire Snickers bar in about 5 minutes.
Rehearsal was Finally Over at 9:30. We hadn't gotten to act two, but the kids needed to go home. Thursday we're starting the play run-through at 7 come heck or high water. We'll have people watching that night. I hope it goes well. I usually have no idea. I'm downstairs in the green room keeping the small people from making too much noise so I don't get to see the play. Though I WILL watch at least one performance doggone it. :-P
We picked up bad-for-us food (Wendy's) on the way home. I had that eaten in less than 15 minutes after arriving at the house. That includes drinking All of my root beer.
Now it is time for bed (okay, has been for a while), and I'm STARVING.

No, I'm not preggers.

I am, however, broken.
Though, on the other hand, this hopefully means my metabolism is picking up. That would be nice.

05 February 2006

My Blogger Life

I won't be posting much (like I've been doing a lot of that lately), and commenting even less (like I comment tons now, sorry about that) for the next week or so.
I usually have a lot of time on my hands at night to post and comment when Hubby's out of town (he left today for a week in Dayton), but not this week.
Because of Kidzilla's play, I literally have something going on Every Day this week. Right up until next Sunday night, which is the last performance.
Today we moved into the theater for our first rehearsal there. It went very well for a first run through on the stage. A couple of prop swords were broken, but easily fixed. Not all the props are completely done (the Witch's sleigh was too damp with paint to use yet, for example), but all will be done in time.

The Capitol has no backstage or wings to speak off (not really). The green room and dressing rooms are in the basement down a small flight of stairs, a landing, and a small flight of stairs. This means that the kids have to be very quiet when they're downstairs because you can hear it out on the stage (and thence, the audience) if they're not. Guess who has the charming job of keeping them quiet? Ah, yes. Me. The responsible adult. Oh, hush with the laughter and giggling! CoolTeenager#1's mom almost slid out of her chair giggling at me when I told her that. I get the feeling that some people don't find me to be terribly responsible. :-D Really though, I didn't have a lot to do. CoolTeenager#1 and CoolTeenager#2 took control and played quiet games with the kids like "Wax Museum" to keep them entertained until time for them to go on stage. Maybe I'll bribe them with Starbucks tomorrow to do the same thing so I can go upstairs and take pictures from the wings during tomorrow's rehearsal. ;-)

Anywho, it's late, and I'm tired (I got 5 hours, dunno why I'd be so pooped). Busy week. I have a lot I want to get done, and busy, busy nights.

03 February 2006

Bullet Point

  • You know you're in a hurry when you drop your kid off for school and then when you get back home you realize you don't even remember what she put on that morning to wear. (Well, besides jeans, she's like her mom, wears jeans everyday except Sunday.)

Voice Post on LJ

Said Voice Post

02 February 2006


Hm. I felt really nekkid last week with my face pic...but compared to this week? That was sooooo nuthin'. This week, I've decided to take a pic of my hair. Why? Because it's long (Very Long for me) and I'm going to be cutting it off to my shoulders in about a month. Why not have a shot or two of it for posterity? If posting them to the internet can be considered posterity... The big deal I took the pics with my shirt off. *gasp!*
This is the most nekked I will ever be, Internets. I am extremely body-shy!


*wonders how horrified the Sis.'s will be at this week's pics...*

01 February 2006

Be Proud

I went shopping on Monday.
Yes, this Is an event, because as I go shopping at least once a week, it's never for me. I went shopping for me on Monday. This is News.
Not only did I go shopping, but I bought things that Weren't On Clearance.
This is even bigger news than me going shopping because even when I do go shopping for me, I usually will only buy something for me if it's on sale.
So, I went shopping. I went out in search of new boots (as I've worn mine out, as I do every winter) and new jeans (as I've gone down in size enough that I gave away all my now too big ones because they were just ANNOYING to wear, but that meant I was left with only one pair of jeans. and jeans are All I Wear, so I need more). I found some boots in the first place I looked (HUZZAH!) and they weren't on sale! *gasp* And I bought them anyway! *gasp!* I tried on a pair of jeans (they only had one pair I liked) there too! I bought them! *gasp* And they weren't on sale! *gasp!*
Granted, I was at TJMaxx, so take all this as you will. ;-)
But still!
And, because I was at TJMaxx, I couldn't leave without looking at socks (they have tons of socks with designs on them, and I'm weak about cute socks). And I left with two pairs of socks for me (one pair is angora, oooooooooooooooo, angora socks, s'nice in my new boots), and a pair for Kidzilla. :-D

Though, I have to say, the jeans I bought, while Very Nice, have 1% spandex in them. I've had "stretch" jeans in the past and didn't like a single pair of them. I was hoping the 1% wouldn't drive me crazy...but it is. *sigh* I'll give them more time before I decide. And if I don't like them, hopefully I know someone that wears my size.

And I found something for my mom for Valentine's Day while I was there. And I found something for me, but it was broken (chipped corner) and still wasn't marked down even though it was damaged. And I'm not about to pay $35 for something that's broken. :-P Though, it was clearanced out, I would've, lol, 'cause I could've put it in a frame and hidden said damage. ;-)