29 March 2006

Note to self:


A) They end up a little shorter than I like.
B) I spend the next day or so trimming the ones I missed.

27 March 2006

*squares shoulders*

*I walk into the computer room, wrapped up in a warm fuzzy blanket with a lovely American Indian design on it*
Me: I feel like a squaw.
Him: Yes, you are squa'.
Me *laughing* No, not square, Squaw.
Him: Squa' in the nuutz!
*I roll my eyes and stand tall*
Me: I have the broad shoulders, long, straight hair, straight nose, high cheekbones...*laughs* Only I'm the palest squaw there ever was. Darn my Welsh and Irish heritage! *laughs and grins* (I'm Welsh, Irish, Cherokee, and Choctaw, you see...)
Him: Poca-caucasian-as!
*I burst into laughter, laughing so hard I have to prop myself up, hands on knees to keep from collapsing to the floor giggling*

It's Aliiiiive!

Actually, my computer was fixed the day after it died, Hubby just didn't tell me. :-P
But then, after he did (which was After I was gone a 4 day trip), he took it all apart and then put it back together (this was like a three day project, no, I don't know what he did, but it did involve a soldering iron...), and now it's been sitting here waiting for me the last two days.
But I told myself I would be good and not sit down at it until my desk was all clean. Which lasted as far as seeing a little bit of the surface of my desk and enough room to sit on the edge of my computer chair then I caved. Well, for a moment. This will be my only moment of weakness until it's done.
Mostly I'm currently weak because the internet at work is down because the phone company has already connected the lines at the new location but the computer isn't there yet so I'm in WITHDRAWALS. I think I clicked the IE button about 10 times today forgetting that nothing would happen when I did. I'm so spoiled! Work is unbearable without the internet! Things actually get done quickly! Oh, the HUMANITY! ;-P
I've sorta been keeping up with my email via webmail but still, I had 25 emails from LJ waiting for me and over 80 in my regular email inbox. Which is just CRAZINESS because I've been going through about every other day and deleting the stuff I already knew I wouldn't want to keep. Granted, I've not gone through my email since last Friday as I've not been able to get a computer since then (busy weekend), but still! Though, on the other hand, I can't even imagine how many I would've had waiting for me if I hadn't been doing the webmail thing... *shudders*
Anyway, my computer's back! It's faster! Yay!
Hopefully I'll join the realm of the frequent posters (or as frequent as I get for me) once again when my desk is all clean. :-)

15 March 2006

Buying a van was a good idea because....?

Gas was $2.56/gal yesterday.
It went up $.20 cents from That Morning.
I paid $47 to fill up the van.

13 March 2006

Kidzilla killed my computer on the 5th

And it's still dead. Not because we don't know what's wrong, but Hubby's been on call so it's still dead. I'm so glad I have a laptop! Hee! Now, if only I had time to use it... I turned it on long enough yesterday to check the bank account and do an online rebate. And then, I went to bed.

Last Tuesday (or was it Monday...yeah, I think it was Monday) my sister's van died. Luckily was an easy fix (well, for the mechanic, anyway), and it only cost $13. Woot!
The one time I drive off without making for sure for sure that she was getting on the road okay...yep, I feel guilt. Though, on the other hand I got to have the day off to drive her around and we stopped by a local shoe store and her size (yep, only her size) was on sale 50% off! So, it wasn't all bad. And I got to gorge myself on taco salad that night (which doesn't happen a lot at my house, taco salad isn't one of Hubby's favorite foods, but it is mine). Silver Linings!

I'm updating from work (as all my posts have been since the 5th), which is why I post but not comment on my flist (I'm so behind on my flist...if I tried to do that, I'd not get any work done). Which is also why I've not replied to comments on my posts. Please don't stop 'cause y'all think I don't love you! I do, and I love comments, just don't have the time to do a quickie post AND reply to comments AND read/comment on my flist. However, I do want to post Something so posting wins. ;-)

One Last Thing: I LOVE RAINSTORMS. Today it's So Nice out! Warm, rainy, a bit windy... Here in BG that means everyone stays home but that means I go out and do stuff 'cause I'm lovin' the weather. :-D And I'm wearing sandals! At last! A day warm enough to wear them! I painted my toes red this morning (which I NEVER DO), but I felt like matching my OCC tshirt I'm wearing today, lol. If I can remember I'll post a pic later.

(this was written in a tremendous hurry, please forgive spelling and grammer errors, lol)

09 March 2006

A Glimpse of Us

*my cell vibes, I pick it up and see it's Hubby and answer it before R2-D2 can begin to screech*
Me: Greetings, Earth Man!!
Me: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! *laughter finally trails off* We are So WEIRD!
Him: *laughter of agreement* Babberdon! Babberdon!! BABBERDON!!!!! *hangs up, laughing*
Me: *goes back to working, chuckling*

A Conversation

Andria: Am I the only person that gets cravings for V-8?
Russ: yes, yes you are
Alexandria: LOL
Alexandria: This how bad it is: I bought a can of it this morning at Wal-Mart, "Mmmmm, V-8 sounds GOOOOOD". I brought it to work to have with lunch. However I've barely been able to put it down long enough to actually eat said lunch.
Alexandria: It's GOOOOOD
Russ: ummm, this is where we are going to have to differ
Alexandria: ROFL

Yes, yes I am Wierd. Why do you ask?

Voice Post on LJ

Said Voice Post

I just had to share

I took this sitting in the parking lot of O'Charley's the other day (if you can consider the 26th "the other day"). I'm rather pleased with how it came out (considering how hard it was to get a shot of the wee bird as it wasn't at all interested in being still for longer than a half second, lol), and I wanted to share. (no, I didn't resize it 'cause I wanted y'all to be able to see the detail, especially the feathers. so pretty!)

Image hosting by Photobucket

08 March 2006

An actual post!

  • Saturday Kidzilla hurt her knee very badly in a slip/fall on a trampoline at a friend's house. Landed it on it sideways, stretched a ligament. No tears or rips or anything of that sort, Thank Heavens. My girl hurt so much. :'-( She didn't get to sing in the musical the kid's choir was doing Sunday night. Which means she didn't get to do her first solo. I think I was more upset than she was. I told her there's always next time (and with her, there will be, lol), and she seems fine with it. She's been to school everyday this week. Very tired (not surprising) every afternoon. She is, in fact, napping at this moment so she won't be too tired for TeamKid tonight at church. Today is the first day she's been able to put any sort of weight on her foot. She was so excited that after school when we came home she hobbled up the steps to the front door without using her crutches. :-D I'm so happy she's better!
  • The Handbell Festival last Friday/Saturday was a lot of fun. And I learned a lot about handbell technique which was very cool. I had a great time. I can't wait for next year! (I have pictures but I've not downloaded them yet. and it's not like I'm great at posting pics anyway... *sigh*)
  • My computer died on Sunday. Kidzilla was playing WoW and it just turned itself off. It wouldn't come back on. Joy. I told Hubby (you know, since I'm so knowledgeable about these things) that I thought it was the power supply, and he agrees. However his workbench in the computer room is buried, so he doesn't have room to work on it. Of course. So he's made his task this week to clean it off so he can fix it (well, when he's not working, he's on call. and not just put everything on it in a box for later, but actually Clean). So I have no idea when my computer will be fixed, lol. But at least I have my laptop to use!

Well, I have an errand to run before church tonight, so I'm off!