22 May 2006

Mosquitoes Love Me

It's a scientific fact that mosquitoes prefer some people over others. I am one of those people. Hubby and Kidzilla are not. Of course. I wondered when it would start this year (the mosquito attack) and it started Saturday. Oh, goody. I only got a couple of bites (I wasn't wearing any Off!-type stuff), but they found me, and I was bitten.

As I live across the street from a river the critters are quite a bit worse here than most of BG. I went out yesterday to spray my rose bush that has been completely denuded by some sort of bug eating the leaves. I'll be lucky if it blooms at all this year, doggone bug. Anyway, I was just out long enough to spray the rose bush and dump the remainder in the pots in front of the front porch on the ground just to make sure I didn't have any ant colonies in them. And got one heck of a bite. Of course.

Mosquito bites (on me) usually itch like mad, I put Lanacane on them, and then they go down to little red bumps that don't usually bother me again. The one I got yesterday? A huge, itchy Lump. I woke up to a knot on my forearm that itched like Mad and was as big around as a half-dollar, and as tall as a stack of 3 or 4 of them. I put some Lanacane on it and now it's just as big as a stack of 2 or 3 quarters and only somewhat itchy.

This is my official notice that summer is nigh in BG.

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