03 April 2006

I Paraphrase

(because I have a crappy memory, you know)
"If I had it all to do again, even knowing how little time I would have with her, I would. That's what love is, Sam."
- Jacob to Sam, Stargate SG-1

I feel like looking up the exact words so I can print it up and put it on my wall.

"If I had it all to do again, even knowing how hard it would be, I would."
- Me

I told my mom on Saturday something I'd told Hubby a few weeks ago. That when Hubby and I got married at 18 we thought we knew what love was. We didn't (we were 18! what did we know?) but we thought we did. But now, 10 years later, we do, and we love each other more and more as time passes. It's such a great feeling to fall more and more in love with my husband. We've both grown up and changed, but I like to think that over the years we're bringing out the best in each other. It's hard to tell sometimes where he starts and I begin. And I love that.

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