12 January 2006

Well, crap.

I had a load of blacks in the washer (yes, we have enough blacks for a load, heck, we have enough blacks for at least two loads, if not three), and I went to put them in the dryer but they still seemed really wet. So I put them on the spin cycle. The washer made a nasty "grrrrrrrrrrnk" noise, but nothing happened.
Well, it was a big load, so, thinking perhaps I overloaded the old thing (hells bells, it was old when we bought it for 50 bucks eight years ago), I took out half and moved the knob back to the rinse/spin cycle. It started filling up with water. I took that as a good sign and walked away.
After about 5 minutes I realized that it wasn't doing anything.
I walked over and lifted the lid. There sat the blacks. In a washer tub of water. Not moving. The occasional bubble burbling to the surface but nothing else.
Hubby came over and fiddled with it. Nothing.
"Well, honey, you know that money Mom sent for my birthday? She just bought us a new washer!"


Barb Ess said...

Me sorry :( But maybe you can find another $50 machine that will last you another eight years. ;)

UGH! A tub full of water and clothes! What a mess!

Anonymous said...

Could be worse! I've had them break and NO money for a replacement! Hope you week gets better! :)