- 06:32 Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! Blessings to you and yours! #
26 November 2009
Drips, Drabs, & Dribbles
24 November 2009
Drips, Drabs, & Dribbles
- 08:21 *yawns* Tired and completely lacking in motivation. And of course I have a million things to do. :-P #
19 November 2009
Drips, Drabs, & Dribbles
- 11:58 I Adore having dogs. That is all. (for now) #
18 November 2009
Drips, Drabs, & Dribbles
- 16:33 Wondering if it would be possible to be off for Tweenzilla's Christmas break... #
15 November 2009
Drips, Drabs, & Dribbles
- 02:18 Two Things: #
- 02:20 1) I got to see Ron White in concert tonight and it was HILARIOUS! Thanks for thinking of me, Joleen!!! *HUG* #
- 02:22 2) 2 a.m., PT in 6 hours, and my stomach sounds like a Wookie. This Can't be good. #
14 November 2009
Drips, Drabs, & Dribbles
- 16:01 I don't deserve a title...I'm the Dork Jester #
13 November 2009
Drips, Drabs, & Dribbles
- 16:49 I do Not adore Scottsville road around 5 :-P #
- 07:46 My grace is stuff of Legend. *rubs bum ruefully* #
- 10:50 I know this isn't a surprise to anyone, but I am Such a D.O.R.K. #
- 10:55 Just found out that a song I like is from the Twilight soundtrack. DANG. I'm so tempted to quit liking it now. ;-P #
12 November 2009
Drips, Drabs, & Dribbles
- 10:17 Book Worm Fail: Verra late to work due to becoming engrossed in a book. (or should it be Nerd Fail due the fact it was a Star Trek book?) #
- 14:27 Got to have lunch with Stephanini and Small Fry #2. Twas AwesomeSauce! And then there was ice cream with HERSHY'S SYRUP. Life, she is good. #
11 November 2009
Drips, Drabs, & Dribbles
- 10:06 Had a long, convoluted, action-movie dream set in North Korea and then China (thank you NCIS) and Felicia Day was a friend of mine (no clue) #
10 November 2009
Drips, Drabs, & Dribbles
- 17:13 I was told today my voice is clear "like a bell". I thought that is very nice. :-) #
09 November 2009
Drips, Drabs, & Dribbles
- 17:35 I have the best kid Ever, btw :-D #
- 07:05 Supposed to be busy all day until 10 tonight, so I woke up with the worst migraine I've had in months. Of course I did. #
- 10:33 Vertical and at work. This may or may not be a good plan, but I've been looking forward to today too much to stay in bed. #
- 12:04 Also: Current fibro doctor is an arrogant, egotistical Jerk. #
08 November 2009
07 November 2009
Drips, Drabs, & Dribbles
- 22:49 Made it to Pigeon Forge in one piece :-D #
- 23:31 I occasionally wonder if my reticence when it comes to telling people my opinion is a good thing... #
06 November 2009
Drips, Drabs, & Dribbles
- 18:57 I have never been to a Waffle House. #
04 November 2009
Drips, Drabs, & Dribbles
- 20:38 I'ma go play at my friends' house! I'ma go play at my friends' house! :-D #
- 20:40 *iz bouncy* #
- 11:49 I had a Great time hanging out with my friends last night! Steph and Keith rock! :-D #
- 11:51 The migraine I woke up with today does not rock. It more...anti-rocks. :-P #
03 November 2009
Drips, Drabs, & Dribbles
- 10:16 Has teh dumb. Also has teh looooong sigh. #
02 November 2009
Drips, Drabs, & Dribbles
- 13:41 I just watched a cat catch, kill, and carry-off a white squirrel. Wow, um, Hello-there, Nature! #
01 November 2009
Drips, Drabs, & Dribbles
- 16:42 Happy Halloween!!! :-D #
- 23:32 I just had the Best Halloween with Tweenzilla, Sis K, her kiddos, Sis M, & Mom! WOOT!! #
30 October 2009
Drips, Drabs, & Dribbles
- 21:17 I love being a gamer chick. :-D #
- 07:38 Okay, people! The iPhone noob wants to know: What Twtter app do You recommend? #
29 October 2009
Drips, Drabs, & Dribbles
- 11:16 Finally remembered to reinstall Twitterf... *ahem* Echofon on Firefox at work. Go me! #
28 October 2009
Drips, Drabs, & Dribbles
- 11:31 the day. :-P #
- 12:44 At work today! :-D Feelin' good! #
- 12:44 Caveat: So! Thristy! all the time and So! Tired! from not being able to fall asleep last night due to sleeping most of the day. :-P #
- 12:45 Thank goodness for Pepsi Max :-D #
27 October 2009
Drips, Drabs, & Dribbles
- 00:46 I feel much better but I still have a fever. *grumps* #
26 October 2009
Drips, Drabs, & Dribbles
- 02:52 Feel weird; hot head, cold body, poundy heart, achey head. Fibro Fun: Sick or Flare? :-P #
- 12:34 And the answer is...! Sick! (I can has fever?) Aw, nertz. :-( #
17 October 2009
Drips, Drabs, & Dribbles
- 16:12 Wishing for a Spades game :-) #
- 18:07 Just drove up behind a van that says "Dry Foam Extortion". Hubba-wha? Oh. "Dry Foam ExTRAtion"... #
15 October 2009
Drips, Drabs, & Dribbles
- 09:35 Breakfast eaten, Tweenzilla to school, me showered and at work. LET THE MADNESS BEGIN. Or not. It's been a slow week. ;-D #
14 October 2009
Drips, Drabs, & Dribbles
- 11:33 Started being hungry at 10. Which is when I started snacking on my lunch. My lunch will be gone before lunchtime. Darn eating breakfast! ;-) #
12 October 2009
Drips, Drabs, & Dribbles
09 October 2009
Drips, Drabs, & Dribbles
- 12:26 *trying. not. to. throw. phone. due. to. crappy. customer. service.* GRR-FACE. *deep breath and some Sunkist* Okay, better now. #
07 October 2009
Drips, Drabs, & Dribbles
- 09:22 I've either been early or on time for work every day so far this week. Is this another sign of THE END TIMES?!?!? ;-) #
- 10:23 Hm. Forgot to eat breakfast (I even brought it with me). Thank goodness I'm going to have an early lunch! #
03 October 2009
02 October 2009
Drips, Drabs, & Dribbles
- 09:18 RT @syfy Stargate Universe debuts TONIGHT so I'm giving away #SGU t-shirts to 5 random people who RT this note by 9pm PT! #
29 September 2009
Drips, Drabs, & Dribbles
- 17:14 twitpic.com/jj94f - Free shoe souvenirs from The Mall in DC #
27 September 2009
26 September 2009
Drips, Drabs, & Dribbles
- 08:48 Be proud! I'm having a healthy breakfast! Of yogurt! And Pepsi. :-D #
- 08:51 Last day in DC, meeting Leeann at the National Book Fest, then going home. Had a blast! Wish I could stay another week. :-) #
- 12:55 At the airport, having some lunch before the flight. :-) #
- 13:49 On the plane to come home, waiting for takeoff! :-) #
25 September 2009
Drips, Drabs, & Dribbles
- 16:45 Another squished penny! And yep, it was $1.01. #
- 17:30 twitpic.com/izqu0 - Where I'm having dinner! #
- 17:39 twitpic.com/izs3q - #
- 11:07 In the White House! #
- 12:13 The White House was amazing! Now at Loeb's Deli, eating a fabulous Park Avenue with sweet potato fries. Yum! #
- 12:16 twitpic.com/j2z7m - Leaving the White House #
- 13:5 5 twitpic.com/j3eso - Shoes that I don't need but I has a want #
- 14:02 Would anyone want a postcard from DC...? #
- 14:55 twitpic.com/j3o52 - Saw this and thought of Ruthette! #
24 September 2009
23 September 2009
Drips, Drabs, & Dribbles
- 11:42 Sitting outside on D street, enjoying a wonderful Fall day in DC during a lunch break. Slightly warm, humid, of course, but with a breeze... #
- 11:46 twitpic.com/iu3rk - My view :-) #
22 September 2009
Drips, Drabs, & Dribbles
- 17:40 twitpic.com/imsly - Coolest Wellies Ever! :-D #
- 11:17 I. Love. Flying! #
- 11:17 I'm a sap, I admit it. I felt tears tracking down my face as the flight began because of the wonderous beauty of the clouds... #
- 13:15 $1.01 to squish a penny? Good gravy, lol. #
21 September 2009
Drips, Drabs, & Dribbles
- 10:29 It's a Mondaaaaaaaaaaay! All. Day. *long sigh* #
- 14:18 I would like the headache that started yesterday morning to please go away now. Thank you. #
19 September 2009
Drips, Drabs, & Dribbles
- 17:18 DOOD. I get to take a tour of the White House! #
17 September 2009
Drips, Drabs, & Dribbles
- 19:01 My boss asked me this morning if I'm packed yet. Ahhh, no. :-P She knew that, lol, just giving me a hard time. But yeah, only 4 more days!!! #
- 09:30 It's a rainy day and all I want is a cup of hot tea, a comfy chair, a blanket, and a good book. What I get is...not. Having a cuppa anyway. #
15 September 2009
Drips, Drabs, & Dribbles
- 09:58 Crud. Still can't find my sunglasses. Wearing my backup pair. Bleah. Back to TJMaxx I go, I suppose. *sigh* (like that's a hardship ;-)) #
- 10:21 I have decided to try trimming my bangs myself, since it no one does it well except Jana. Wish me luck! #
- 13:56 Bored at Dr.'s office. Always lots of hurry up and wait... #
14 September 2009
Drips, Drabs, & Dribbles
- 09:55 Seen on my way to work: "Spoiled Rottin'" Um. I thought it was "Spoiled Rotten" not "Spoiled Rotting"? Hello, Tautology and/or Pleonasm! #
- 10:08 (someone like @Ruthette needs to help me with the difference, 'cause to me they've always been pretty much the same thing. Yes? No? ACK.) #
- 10:09 Headache, achey, queasy, feelin' flushed...and now a slightly sore throat and coughing. No! NO! I am NOT getting sick!! Who did this to me?! #
11 September 2009
Drips, Drabs, & Dribbles
- 17:50 I less-than-three (<3) Irish Breakfast Tea :-D #
31 August 2009
Drips, Drabs, & Dribbles
- 11:05 Not sure how I'm managing, but I'm still chipper at 11 and I haven't had any caffeine yet. Another sign of the END TIMES. ;-) #
30 August 2009
Drips, Drabs, & Dribbles
- 18:12 twitpic.com/fro9k - Found at Hobby Lobby; thought of you Amy #
- 18:16 twitpic.com/frozb - This too, Amy! Way too much cool stuff! #
29 August 2009
Drips, Drabs, & Dribbles
- 16:12 Behind a Lauderdale Mississippi license plate! Woot! #
28 August 2009
Drips, Drabs, & Dribbles
- 08:42 Hubby's on a conference call, want to guess how we're talking to each other? . . . Texting. Why yes, yes we are geeky! #
27 August 2009
Drips, Drabs, & Dribbles
- 19:27 Giving blood at EBC :-D #
- 09:55 Got up on time, had a real breakfast, made lunch, EXERCISED, got ready for work and beat the boss here. I need every day to start this well! #
- 10:00 Don't know why, but giving blood always leaves me so pumped. (ha ha) Great people working the bus, had a lot of fun with them! :-D #
- 10:25 Yoga: Who knew moving so little would be so much work? #
- 13:00 Dressed like a girl again today, btw. With makeup! *cue dramatic chord* #
- 13:16 twitpic.com/fgvqe - 1 of my most favorite pendants.From SisB #
26 August 2009
Drips, Drabs, & Dribbles
- 13:59 Sick this morning, better this afternoon. Whew. #
25 August 2009
Drips, Drabs, & Dribbles
- 16:38 Looking at my Frontgate catalog and wondering if Sep. 15th is too early to decorate for Halloween. >:-D #
- 10:21 I feel much better today, thanks for the concern/comments! If only I wasn't so Tired I could enjoy feeling better... :-P #
- 11:06 Wondering if some people misread things on purpose just so they can make a pointless point. That's usually full of *Yoda voice* Anger & Hate #
- 14:50 It's almost 3 and I just realized I forgot to eat lunch. *sigh* *sings* If I only had a brain... #
24 August 2009
Drips, Drabs, & Dribbles
- 07:47 The Mack truck that hit me last week came around for a second pass this morning. Didja get the plate number this time, Dan? *groans* #
22 August 2009
Drips, Drabs, & Dribbles
- 13:18 Still wishin' I had a bari sax. Man. 14 years later and I still miss playing one. I think I have it bad... #
20 August 2009
Drips, Drabs, & Dribbles
- 09:04 Dressed like a girl AGAIN. Jeans instead of a skirt this time though. Don't want to get CRAZY with it, you know. #
- 09:39 The longer I'm married to him the more I appreciate how awesome my husband is. He is made of WIN and I Love him. :-) #
19 August 2009
Drips, Drabs, & Dribbles
- 16:08 On my second Mtn. Dew after promising myself I'd stick to only one and only in the mornings. It's either that or fall asleep on my desk. :-P #
- 09:16 After several days of thinking about it, my body has decided to go ahead and have a flare. Where is that Mack truck, and who was driving?:-P #
18 August 2009
Drips, Drabs, & Dribbles
- 16:34 Crap! Dangit! Poo! CONSARN IT! (please pardon my language) *frustrated with self/fibro* Fudgesicle! *muttering* #
- 10:30 Actually ate breakfast! SO. HOOONGRY. Y'know, This is why I quit. :-P Who wants to be so hungry 1 1/2 hours before lunchtime? #
26 June 2009
Drips, Drabs, & Dribbles
- 11:08 Humph. My back is still stupid. It's just not As stupid. :-P #
25 June 2009
23 June 2009
21 June 2009
Drips, Drabs, & Dribbles
- 11:27 This stinks. Instead me taking care of Hubby for Father's Day, he's having to take care of me. :-( Nertz. #
20 June 2009
Drips, Drabs, & Dribbles
- 16:52 *is bouncy* I just ordered this: tinyurl.com/p6xagn! Yay me! #
19 June 2009
Drips, Drabs, & Dribbles
- 15:11 Just deleted several Plinky emails I know I'm just not going to get to. *le sigh* #
- 18:46 Just stopped for a lime slush. NOM. #
18 June 2009
Drips, Drabs, & Dribbles
- 20:49 Google's Igor Stravinsky logo for today makes my heart happy. I <3 Firebird. :-) #
- 09:32 It's overcast but nice out. Too bad it won't last. *le sigh* #
- 10:29 Watching at a cardinal, blue jay, and some sparrows eat bird food right outside my office window. Awesome. :-) #
17 June 2009
16 June 2009
Drips, Drabs, & Dribbles
- 09:33 Woke up with a horrible leg cramp in the night. Now my right leg is SO. SORE. in about 5 different places. *limps off to work* #
15 June 2009
Drips, Drabs, & Dribbles
- 10:32 Last night I chatted with a foreign exchange student friend I with to school with 16 years ago. It was so awesome to catch up and talk! :-D #
- 10:36 Woke up feelin' like someone ran over me + sore throat. About to leave for work and checked my temp on a whim. I can has fever. Dang. #
I get by with a little help from the web
Meeting wonderful people I wouldn't've ever had a chance to meet in real life, and reconnecting with people I thought I'd lost contact with forever.
I think that's totally awesome! :-D
Wanna buy some glass?
I've had this dream for a long time...
Hand-blown glass (I have a weakness) that hopefully would be from local artists and myself. I read a book that the main character owned his own glass shop and a place in the back where he made his items where people could watch. I would Love to learn how to blow glass and do that!
Or a shop selling jewelery that I've made. Or both! :-D
11 June 2009
Drips, Drabs, & Dribbles
- 22:16 Going to Wal-Mart alone feels weird, lol... #
- 00:14 Of course the sky opens up right as I walk outside. I look rather charmingly like a large wet pooch in a navy blue tee and jeans. :-P #
- 00:41 The MAIN REASON I went to Wal-Mart at this hour is because we're out of dog food and I forgot to go to PetCo. Guess what I forgot to get? #
- 00:43 Guess what I'm going back to get? *lots and Lots of disgusted muttering* #
- 13:13 I'm early for another appointment! THE END TIMES DRAW EVER CLOSER. #
10 June 2009
Drips, Drabs, & Dribbles
- 17:09 I can SEEEEE!!!!! *angels sing* #
09 June 2009
Drips, Drabs, & Dribbles
- 22:31 I'm currently suffering from an annoyingly bad case of canttypeitis. You don't know want to know how long it took me to get this typed. GAH. #
- 22:33 Also currently addicted to Meeblings. Must. Stop. Playing. Meeblings.... tinyurl.com/mtvjnx #
- 08:54 Sleeeeepy, but much improved over yesterday, despite the lack of sleep. A lil' bit of pampering will do that to ya'. :-) #
08 June 2009
Drips, Drabs, & Dribbles
- 09:11 Iz Crabby. In more ways than one, HAH, HA! #
05 June 2009
Drips, Drabs, & Dribbles
- 09:21 Britains' Got Talent is making me leak tears (gah! stop it!), I'm having a Breakfast of Champions! (the Andria Version), and I'm meeelltiing #
- 10:58 One meeting down, one to go. However. It's 11 and I'm already STARVING. *whimpers* #
04 June 2009
Drips, Drabs, & Dribbles
- 15:00 I'm EARLY for an appointment! It's a sign of the End Times!!! #
02 June 2009
Drips, Drabs, & Dribbles
- 16:39 I get to go the Hot Rods game tonight! :-D #
- 20:02 She told me they were good seats but not this good! :-D #
- 20:13 This is my first live baseball game, btw. And I just saw a guy on the other team break a bat! #
- 20:42 Tim just shattered bat number two... #
- 21:41 Yay! Hot Rods win! Woot!! #
- 11:33 Hm. What I thought was fluff floating around in my face is actually a very teeny baby spider. Time to go outside now, kiddo! #
- 13:27 Is crankified. Nice guys need to catch more breaks. #
01 June 2009
Drips, Drabs, & Dribbles
- 04:57 I an up before the sun. This is UNNATURAL. Kidzilla is leaving for camp in Greensville, SC this morning. *yawn* #
- 06:39 Kidzilla is on the road to SC. I miss her already... *sad sigh* *sniffle* #
- 09:24 Wishing for some of @lucidkim's Chex Mix. And a Pepsi Throwback. :-) #
- 10:04 This cracker! Is like eating! A Jalapeno! In cracker form! Hot!!! *looks for another* #
- 12:08 So hot in the office today...I keep dozing off and dreaming of eating Cheez-Its. Thanks, Dan, for making me hungry along with beyond tired. #
31 May 2009
29 May 2009
Drips, Drabs, & Dribbles
- 23:18 Aaaaah!!! 2.5G! I'm in the Boonies! #
- 09:57 One my list of three things to Get Done Today, I have accomplished one. Only because I can't do the other two from work, lol. #
- 14:48 The "word" "hella" makes me ill. Ugh. #
28 May 2009
Drips, Drabs, & Dribbles
- 09:47 Migraine yesterday. Fibro flare, Spoonerisms, and a case of the dropsies today. Gee, I wonder if they're related? :-P #
26 May 2009
Drips, Drabs, & Dribbles
- 11:11 Looooong weekend. Good! Just long. Old Navy INSANITY on Saturday + Wal-Mart. Sunday, Praise Team + Fibro Flare. Monday, TN REN!!! Woot! #
22 May 2009
Drips, Drabs, & Dribbles
- 10:17 I'm wearing jeans, Chucks, 2 sizes too big men's tee, & my bandanna wrist wrap. Hm. Just like high school. I should photograph myself, lol. #
21 May 2009
Drips, Drabs, & Dribbles
- 15:35 I <3 Pepsi Throwback! #
- 09:33 I accidentally deleted Kiddo's band video from my camera! *cries* #
20 May 2009
Drips, Drabs, & Dribbles
- 18:23 At Kidzilla's combined elem. band concert at my old high school. I thought I felt old until I saw my band teachers from HS and MS. ;-) #
- 09:53 [expletive of choice]! Sometimes it Really feels like the gov. is tryin' real hard for small business to, you know, NOT stay in business. #
19 May 2009
Drips, Drabs, & Dribbles
- 09:06 Yesterday, killer migraine. Today, head oddly...sore, and so. tired. *yawn* #
- 10:35 Going here next Monday! www.panoramio.com/photo/10330874 *Squee!* #
- 11:15 This @threadless tee is awesome: bit.ly/12taJ2 And I think I NEED it. :-D #
18 May 2009
Drips, Drabs, & Dribbles
- 12:57 Monday and I...aren't getting along... #
16 May 2009
Drips, Drabs, & Dribbles
- 00:50 Okay. Now, don't faint, but I'm actually wearing shorts. #
15 May 2009
14 May 2009
Drips, Drabs, & Dribbles
- 10:37 Life without Google is NO LIFE AT ALL. GMail and GTalk are down, and I had to use Yahoo! for a search. How am I supposed to function!?!? #
13 May 2009
Drips, Drabs, & Dribbles
- 09:42 Stayed up 'til 2:30 finishing a Stephen King book. It was either that or sleep with the lights on... Therefore: Pooped out at 10am. Oops. #
- 11:39 Beautiful Windy Day Outside! Can I Has Kite Flying? #
12 May 2009
Drips, Drabs, & Dribbles
- 10:02 So! Who's going with me to TN Ren this year? Kidzilla and I are going May 25th! *has no shame* #
- 10:07 Slight sore throat when I woke up this morning. Now a tickle that keeps making me cough. Thanks, Chuck. THANKS. *raspberries* #
- 10:17 Working in an office with a large window makes up for a lot. :-) #
- 11:30 A better Breakfast of Champions: A Chocolate Fudge Pop-Tart + Huge Glass of Sweet Acidophiles Milk. Yay for waking up late! #
11 May 2009
Drips, Drabs, & Dribbles
- 10:21 So. Tired. Loooooooooong weekend. Verra good! But so long. Don't just want a nap, but NEED one, lol. #
09 May 2009
Drips, Drabs, & Dribbles
- 22:02 Just now leaving work (9am to 10pm). Wristlets will be the death of me. At least this time I have photographic evidence! #
07 May 2009
05 May 2009
Drips, Drabs, & Dribbles
- 09:58 Morning Haiku: ANTS IN MY BATHROOM, made me late this morning and, I still feel itchy #
04 May 2009
Drips, Drabs, & Dribbles
- 10:17 I know this is wrong, but it still made me weak with laughter anyway: On a Fictional T-Shirt "Easter Is Canceled. They Found The Body." #
- 11:09 GAH. In trying to type an abbreviation, I messed it up enough times I gave up and typed the whole dang word. It was faster in the end. :-P #
- 13:07 Came to CTE with 42 cupcakes. Left with 2. Meep! #
03 May 2009
Drips, Drabs, & Dribbles
- 12:13 Pepsi Max + Chocolate Fudge Pop-Tart = Breakfast of Champions! #
02 May 2009
Drips, Drabs, & Dribbles
- 15:09 Three wristlets made. Fingers covered in glue. At least three more to go. Good thing I'm good at this... #
- 15:12 Why is it that I think of taking a photo either too late or one second after it would be a hassle to go back and do it? GAH. #
01 May 2009
Drips, Drabs, & Dribbles
- 18:57 So weird to walk the halls where I went to middle school, seeing how much has changed and how much Hasn't. Kidzilla will be here next year! #
30 April 2009
Drips, Drabs, & Dribbles
- 12:31 Seriously. The English (Pirate) language set on Facebook is Crackin' Me Up. Avast, ye Hearties! #
28 April 2009
Drips, Drabs, & Dribbles
- 11:16 Loving the Zelda iGoogle theme. :-D #
27 April 2009
Drips, Drabs, & Dribbles
- 09:32 Yep. It's a Monday. *trying. not. to. kick. Monday.* #
24 April 2009
Drips, Drabs, & Dribbles
- 11:30 So tired today. Late to work. I have a case of the dropsies. At this point things can only look up, right? #
- 12:38 In dire need of caffeine, so I made myself a lovely cup of tea. And then put ice in it 'cause I wanted it iced. *evil laugh* Also: Yum! #
- 13:56 I just opened my lunch to discover my sammich box had popped open and the bread is Saharan. Blerg. This is going to be...tasty. #
23 April 2009
Drips, Drabs, & Dribbles
- 15:14 I have a problem...I'm addicted to Puzzle Quest. #
22 April 2009
Drips, Drabs, & Dribbles
- 17:58 So awesome to get a Yes to a question instead of the expected No or, at best, Maybe. *squee of glee* #
- 08:43 BTW, the sunburned ears are now the ITCHY ears. OH THE ITCHING. *rub, rub, rub* #
21 April 2009
Via Whoopee
2. Describe yourself: Umm...hmm. Literally physically? Ummm...here. Have a picture:
3. How do you feel about yourself: Meh. I wish I had more confidence in myself. Which is amusing to say because if you ask just about anyone that knows me in RL they have no idea I lack confidence in anything (excepting my looks, I'm sure my self-deprecation on that topic is wearying to others).
4. Describe your parents: I love my mom. Short (4'10"!), carefully curled and coiffed light brown hair, green eyes, great smile. A lot smarter than she thinks she is. We have our ups and downs, but I think most parents and children do. My dad. That's a bitter topic. Moving on.
5. Describe your ex boyfriend/girlfriends: Smart, funny, amazing smile. Had loooong brown hair. Still a good friend.
6. Describe your current boy/girl situation: I'm married to a Fricking Genius (even though he doesn't think so). He's heart-stoppingly handsome, has a beautiful smile and piercing blue eyes. I could write poetry about his elegant, long-fingered hands. Extremely quick-witted; one aside from him can leave me gasping for air and leaking tears. As you can see, 13 years later and I'm still besotted.
7. Describe your current location: Sitting in a squashy dark red LazEBoy that doesn't match a single thing in my home, but it was gift, and I loves me some FREE. Said recliner is in my LR in my wee lil' home here in KY. Rolling hills, green grass, & actual Seasons. I grew up in MS and spent 5 years living in BFE, NM. I will never take Seasons for granted.
9. Your best friend(s) is/are: People that make me laugh. People that I Always have something to talk about with (proper grammer can go hang *raspberry*). People who like me for who I am, silliness and all. People that know I love goofy jokes and tell those kinds of jokes to me. People that can keep up with me conversationally. Sweet people. Nice people. Interesting people.
10. Your favourite colour is: Dark purple. Most especially dark amethyst. Mmmmmmm.
11. You know that: I'm awesome. Every night as part of our good night ritual I tell my daughter she's the bestest (wording left over from when she was small) and she tells me I'm the greatest. And I reply, "I know. You tell me that every day." and it still makes her giggle. I *heart* Kidzilla! She really Is the bestest.
13. What is life to you: Not long enough. I have so much I want to see and do and I'm supposed to make enough money and then get to do it all before when now?!? NOT. ENOUGH. TIME.
14. What is the best advice you have to give: Let it go and move on.
Drips, Drabs, & Dribbles
- 11:33 Aw, fudgecicle. I didn't wear my jacket today, so guess where my cell phone is? You only get one guess. #
- 14:04 I want to know when I became an IT chick. *pats self* I don't Feel like an IT chick... #
Drips, Drabs, & Dribbles
- 15:29 What is it about spicy Cheez-Its that they are so Moreish? NOM NOM NOM #
- 19:57 Don't laugh, but I just now discovered The Killers. Heard about, but not actually Heard. Hey! I said don't laugh! #
20 April 2009
Drips, Drabs, & Dribbles
- 10:43 I fought the yard, and, I won, btw. I also managed to sunburn the tops of my ears. Because I am made of AWESOME. #
18 April 2009
Drips, Drabs, & Dribbles
- 10:18 After having had some ridiculously good rest and down time, I now must go mow the yard. Dang. *meeps at the jungle in the backyard* #
17 April 2009
Drips, Drabs, & Dribbles
- 10:05 So Very Tired = Extra Babble-y. My poor, poor family, co-workers, and friends, lol. #
16 April 2009
Drips, Drabs, & Dribbles
- 09:38 I despair! of ever being on time to anything... *sigh* #
- 12:44 I just spent 10-15 minutes looking for something, ALL OVER THE VARIOUS OFFICES, that was on my desk. *headdesk* #
15 April 2009
Drips, Drabs, & Dribbles
- 16:37 Banner evening last night, btw. A saucepan fell on the last two toes on my left foot, then afterward I stubbed the bigger one. AWESOME. #
14 April 2009
Drips, Drabs, & Dribbles
- 11:14 I really gotta quit eating breakfast, I'm always STARVING around 10:30, a good hour and half before lunch. BAH. Jimmy Jooooohn's..... #
- 14:37 Called today to reserve a picnic shelter at the park where Kidzilla wants to have her party. ALL are taken already. For May 9th. Bah. #
09 April 2009
10 March 2009
Oxiclean sells itself!
I <3 Oxiclean! That stuff rocks my socks! I use a little in every load of laundry.
Kaboom is awesome, too! So far everything I've tried that Billy Mays sells has worked just like it says in the infomercial. Not that I've tried everything (the pancake-ball-thing makes me raise my eyebrows in doubt), but youknowwhatImean.
Hubby just bought the ShamWow, and it seems to work okay, but not As good as that fella makes it out (though he's oddly mesmerizing...). Oh, and the yellow ones smelled terrible out of the box. Two washings and the darned things still faintly smell. Bleah.
I've been tempted to buy the Snuggie just because I do love to curl up with a book on the couch under a blanket, and that sounds awesome. But it doesn't come in purple or black or orange, so the odds of my trying it are slim. ;-)
Kidzilla bugs me for Moon Sand all the time. So far that's still a solid no. :-P
I can't say anything about her being too old though, 'cause I Still like to play with Play-Doh myself and it Does looks cool... But it seems like a gimmick. No thanks.
10 February 2009
[Plinky] Watch "Nightmare Before Christmas" next time you're home sick
I <3 NBC
This movie is cute, charming, and fun. It's my favorite movie because of the great animation, awesome music (and songs!), and delightful story.
Wow, this sounds like the beginning of a very dull book report. Sorry about that.
I love this movie! That alone is a good enough reason. ;-)