This entry was originally started on Monday at work and finished tonight (today being Thursday), my first night with internet at home. Kidzilla's computer has been up for a couple of days, and it dawned on me tonight that I could get online with my laptop since the wireless network has to be up for her computer to be online. My main PC is still in pieces, but that's okay, I can get online now! Woot!
Getting 4 hours of sleep on a "good" night several days in a row and then staying up for 37 hours straight will wear a body down.
We're all moved!
So many annoying things happened with and having to do with the move. I have no idea if I'll get it all down as currently my computer is in pieces and I doubt it puts back together until the computer room is done (I'm updating at work whilst I wait on my boss to come and sign checks). Which Hubby has no sort of ETA for (yes, I dangle prepositions, and they hang out to dry when I'm tired), btw. I'm hoping for this week 'cause he'll be working on the new fencing this weekend. It will So Rock to have a privacy fence! You know, so I can work on my tan in peace. *much rolling of eyes and sniggering*
I will not be cooking for a while. Which, as I'm not that fond of cooking (even though I'm very good at it), you'd think I'd rejoice about, but No. For the first time in living memory I don't Want to go out to eat Yet Again, and would much rather have something at the house, BUT all my dishes and pots and pans are in storage and in the BACK OF THE UNIT. Let's all give Hubby a rousing round of applause for thinking that one through (as he's the one that packed the kitchen and put my Stuff of Life where it is now)! It's going to cost a mint to eat out everyday for every meal! ARGH. On the other hand the steak and eggs I had for brunch yesterday at O'Charley's was Delicious, so maybe it's not All bad. As an aside all my dry goods (boxed stuff, canned goods, spices...) are Also in the back with my pots and pans, so I can't even have a bowl of cereal without having to go buy all new and buying the plastic bowls and spoons to eat it with. Oh, and Hubby says I knew it was happening at the time, so I don't get to fuss and blame him. Yeah, right. Sillie man, like I would allow that to happen if I knew that's what he was doing! Ch! (to borrow a phrase ;-))
Anna and Dragon have no idea what to make of the move and so far think the garage is The place to live and are scared of the door leading into the actual house. Which is fine by me for now as the first thing Anna did when I actually let her roam the new place a little bit was was to get all excited and tinkle on my bed. I kid you not. So it'll be a while before she gets to come back in the house. :-P Dragon has explored no further than the kitchen, and the one time I took her through the house she clung to me like I'd taken her outdoors (I have a cat that is TERRIFIED to go outside, I don't even begin to exaggerate), so she's happy in her box in the garage for now. Civi wants the other two pets to get over themselves 'cause gosh it's a lot warmer out here than in the house so canIcomeinnow? However the other two act saner (more sane?) when she is out there with them (though she's currently the one that barks the most, not fond of the new noises she hears I suppose) so she'll just have to deal with it for now.
An Aside: It is not a good omen to have your boss ask you to help him put his resume on and show him how to log in and apply for jobs. And have him apply for three right then and there. I told Hubby I keep thinking one Wednesday he's going to call me and tell me not to come in until Friday (like he did yesterday), and then on Friday call me and tell me not to bother to come in anymore at all 'cause they've decided to close the store. So, as you can guess, moving to a new location did not have quite the revitalizing effect on the business that was hoped. Le Sigh. Though he did call me today and ask me to come in early (10 instead of noon) because he had a bunch of sales and wants me to come in early so he can write some checks before he leaves for the weekend (at 12:30). So I won't be getting that Don't Bother Call this week, but as for next week, who knows? At least I know who to call if this place does go belly up. :-P Actually I have a couple of places I can call, which is nice. Apparently my name gets passed around as someone that can do what I do well, only to discover my current boss doesn't really want to share (even though I only work part-time, he likes being able to call me in any day he likes instead of working around other people's schedule).
Which reminds me, the lady that watches Kidzilla while I'm work is very very ill and might have to go to the ER tonight/tomorrow morning. I could care less about the inconvenience about having to figure what to do with Kidizilla while I'm at work tomorrow, I just hope she's okay. I'm not sure what's wrong as it was her 15 year old daughter that called me to let me know and I was out walking the dogs at the time and Anna had just decided to slip out of her collar (yay.) and so instead of peppering her with questions as was my wont I had to just say, "Thanks for letting me know, tell her I hope she's okay," (yes, that didn't come out the way I meant *sigh*) "talk at you later bye." Rawrgh. At the very least I'll call tomorrow afternoon and I'll drop her a card in the mail (which, if I get it in the mail early enough she'll get on Saturday). Poor thing. :-(
I've decided that Kidzilla will be going to her old daycare tomorrow. Which she will LOVE if Laura is working, so all's well that ends well. In that area, anyway.
Happy Friday! (which it is, technically, lol) No, really! TGIF!